Are your Kubernetes Pods running where you want them to?

Paul Dally
2 min readJun 8, 2022
Globe: public domain, Pod icon: Apache 2.0

Sometimes you should care about where your Pods are running.

Your cluster may have worker nodes in different availabity zones (or perhaps even different regions) and be using a topologySpreadConstraint to provide high-availability for your application. You might be using a podAntiAffinity to prevent multiple Pods from being scheduled on the same worker node. You may be using nodeAffinity or a nodeSelector so that your Pods execute only on particular worker nodes that are appropriately licensed or that provide certain hardware capabilities.

You may not have thought about this before — but often, you really should. There are lots of potential scenarios that could make sense.

To see where Kubernetes has scheduled your Pods, add “-o=wide” to your get pod command. For example:

You can then describe the node(s) to make sure that they have the labels that you expected they should:

$ kubectl describe node
Roles: worker

If your Pods aren’t being scheduled where you want, you might have one of the following common problems:

  • do you actually have any affinity, nodeSelectors or topologySpreadConstraints? Kubernetes can’t read your mind.
  • do your worker nodes have the labels that you think they do?
  • are your node labels accurate? If a node is labelled with ca-central-1a but the node is actually in ca-central-1b, that would be a problem…
  • do you have mutually-exclusive nodeSelectors?
  • do your labelSelectors for Pods in affinity clauses or topologySpreadConstraints actually match labels on your Pods?
  • Are you using preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution when you intended to be using requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution?



Paul Dally

AVP, IT Foundation Platforms Architecture at Sun Life Financial. Views & opinions expressed are my own, not necessarily those of Sun Life